Before we begin
Unsure if we can help you?
You can book in for a complimentary screening to discuss how chiropractic can help you, then decide if you would like to move forward as a new patient.
Your First Visit
When you walk in to Donegal Chirocare, you’ll be greeted by our friendly staff. In our relaxed environment you’ll feel welcome and comfortable. You don’t need to do anything in advance of your first appointment. We recommend that you arrive a few minutes early to fill out our new patient forms. Below you can read about the step by step process involved in your initial visit.

Getting Started
After your forms are completed, your chiropractor will take you to a private room for a consultation where they will take a full and detailed case history including details of your past medical history and any current medications treatments etc that you are receiving. You may be asked to change into an examination gown. This allows your chiropractor to get a full view of your spine.
After the examination, you will receive a report of findings. This explains what we feel the problem is as well as a plan for treatment. You will be given an opportunity to ask any questions you may have and if you are happy to be treated you will be asked to sign informed consent. You will usually receive your first treatment on this visit.
If you have previous MRI’s, scans or X-rays, please take them with you. If you have an extensive medical history or take numerous medications, it can be helpful to bring in medical records or a list.